Monday 18 April 2016

How to make a poster

Before you begin, think about what type of poster you'd like to create, what inspirations and motivations come with it and so on and so forth, now. Lets begin.
1. Open up either Photoshop or Illustrator (Whichever one best suits you)
2. Go to file and click new and create an international paper with either A3 or A4 - Depending on which one is most suitable for the type of poster
3.Think of what kind of poster you would like to make, for example you may want to  create a poster on different designs for backgrounds (contrasts, lines or shapes)
4. Begin to focus on your background, what colours or design you would like to have your posters words or patterns on top of
5. Then proceed to create your poster as you imagined it
6. And there we go, you have your own custom made poster.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

The way I did my pitch

In the pitch I remained calm and collected and understood precisely how and what I was going to accomplish. I referred to how my product was going to be a massive success for the future, the benefits and why it will ultimately change the future in different ways. I kept myself composed throughout it referring to things like the legal and ethical reasons and benefits for the future.

I feel I did very well and achieved the goals I set before taking on the pitch and remained strong in my words and smart in my speaking. I had to be very controlling of the atmosphere of the situation, keeping my composure throughout the entire pitch. Before the pitch I quietly relaxed myself to make sure I was at a good level of pressure for the pitch, as being too relaxed could be costly in the long run. As I prepared for my pitch I focused mainly on my body language and the techniques I was going to use as I spoke, I wanted to bring my point across in a formal yet calm way .

Focusing mainly on my body language and ways of speech I had to alter the views of the audience by giving facts and positives and how creating posters will not only benefit the now, but it will benefit the later, the future generations, as they become more advanced in their creations and finding different ways to expand their knowledge on poster creation.

Monday 14 March 2016

My Speech

My Planning and Pitching Speech

Hello there everyone, my name is Lee and I hope you all have had a great day, today I will be pitching my product to you all that I will eventually develop into an –in my opinion- a very successful product. This product will be for Creative Media level 2 Students for next year and will be easy to understand and be able to help them out in whatever they need to know. I will be doing a pitch about how I think posters will benefit level 2 media students and why we should use them more often.

 To create the posters I will need to be able to access software like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Along with this I will need to be able to analyze legal and ethical issues and work out my target audiences likes and dislikes. I will have to assure that I will not bring someone’s reputation down or anything like that. I will do a step-by-step tutorial on how to do a high quality neat and tidy poster with all the little details in between. Showing the viewers famous poster artists and all the unique things they do will also be something to be taken into consideration.

My Pitch Reasons

These are my reasons and purposes behind certain things in my speech.

The programs I will need for planning my pitch are Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. The reason behind this is because these two programs are the best equipped for the roles I need them to play, to be able to create and re-create a vast variety of different posters to accompany whatever company may require them.

"Hello there everyone, my name is Lee and I hope you all have a great day" The reason behind this start is to be formal but also polite and get a good grounding of manners and appreciation of the situation while introducing myself to let them know who I am.

"I will eventually develop this into a -in my opinion- a very successful product." I used my own opinion in this to show my confidence in my product and show I have faith in what I am pitching. I also said what kind of target audience I am going for as knowing what audience you are going for will massively help analyse what I can do.

I also went on to talk about what my target audience was before I continued as it is always a wise idea to talk about your target audience first and foremost. I also mentioned how I will make it easy to understand and go through with as Its better to have it easily understand than to have people not understand you, or not understand it in general.

I needed to be very aware of what type of body language and facial expressions I was going to use, using different expressions changes the way the whole situation is played out. I need to focus specifically on what I'm going to say and how I'm going to say it. The more confidence and clear speech equals a successful pitch.

I had to remain confident throughout the entire pitch, trying to remain as formal as possible.

Monday 18 January 2016

Preparing for Pitch - Do's and Dont's

In the film series 'Dragons Den' We see many people coming and going trying to get an investment off the five multi-millionaire dragons. In this pitch a couple managed to score a £100,000 investment on the 'Magic Whiteboard'                            

 The reason they managed to achieve such a high amount of money is because they were calm and understood exactly what they were going to say and were able to keep themselves in a higher state than most other pitchers. They were able to keep their confidence on top of the game and were able to make sure that they could get their points across and persuade one of the Dragon's to invest £100,000 in their idea.

Things to remember before going into a pitch is to:

- Remain confident
- Use body language and facial expressions to your advantage
- Keep control of the situation

Things to not do are
- Be racist, sexist etc.
- Be disrespectful
- Use inappropriate words
- Let the nerves get to you

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Legal and Ethical Reasons

Researchers obtain data from people that are expected to maintain high ethical standards and comply with relevant legislation. Ethical guidance is provided by professional bodies, host institutions and funding organisations.

Ethical guidelines for research are issued by professional bodies, host institutions and funding organisations. We have collated a number of useful resources on research ethics, consent and anonymisation.

Collecting, using and sharing data in research with people requires that ethical and legal obligations are respected. Laws such as the Data Protection Act, Freedom of Information Act and Statistics and Registration Services Act also govern the use of some kinds of data.

These are a few adverts that were either banned or taken off the TV because they were inappropriate and caused illegal upsets. For example, the first picture shows a black child and a while child. Although it looks alright when you look closely you can see that Benetton have made it so the black child looks like a demon (spiked up hair on the sides to look like horns) and the white child to look like a angel (blonde hair and smiling whereas the other child looks sad)

The second photo looks a lot different, it is an NHS advert about smoking, It had a message but the picture backing it up was unneeded and pretty confusing as it shows a women getting a hook through her top lip. Although this could have been a metaphor of she is hooked to smoking it was still un needed and caused upsets by whomever saw it.

For my idea I think I should really think about what kind of legal and ethical reasons I will need to take into account. These images have given me ideas of what not to do when I do my broadcast/designs for adverts.