Tuesday 22 March 2016

The way I did my pitch

In the pitch I remained calm and collected and understood precisely how and what I was going to accomplish. I referred to how my product was going to be a massive success for the future, the benefits and why it will ultimately change the future in different ways. I kept myself composed throughout it referring to things like the legal and ethical reasons and benefits for the future.

I feel I did very well and achieved the goals I set before taking on the pitch and remained strong in my words and smart in my speaking. I had to be very controlling of the atmosphere of the situation, keeping my composure throughout the entire pitch. Before the pitch I quietly relaxed myself to make sure I was at a good level of pressure for the pitch, as being too relaxed could be costly in the long run. As I prepared for my pitch I focused mainly on my body language and the techniques I was going to use as I spoke, I wanted to bring my point across in a formal yet calm way .

Focusing mainly on my body language and ways of speech I had to alter the views of the audience by giving facts and positives and how creating posters will not only benefit the now, but it will benefit the later, the future generations, as they become more advanced in their creations and finding different ways to expand their knowledge on poster creation.

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