Tuesday 15 December 2015

Legal and Ethical Reasons

Researchers obtain data from people that are expected to maintain high ethical standards and comply with relevant legislation. Ethical guidance is provided by professional bodies, host institutions and funding organisations.

Ethical guidelines for research are issued by professional bodies, host institutions and funding organisations. We have collated a number of useful resources on research ethics, consent and anonymisation.

Collecting, using and sharing data in research with people requires that ethical and legal obligations are respected. Laws such as the Data Protection Act, Freedom of Information Act and Statistics and Registration Services Act also govern the use of some kinds of data.

These are a few adverts that were either banned or taken off the TV because they were inappropriate and caused illegal upsets. For example, the first picture shows a black child and a while child. Although it looks alright when you look closely you can see that Benetton have made it so the black child looks like a demon (spiked up hair on the sides to look like horns) and the white child to look like a angel (blonde hair and smiling whereas the other child looks sad)

The second photo looks a lot different, it is an NHS advert about smoking, It had a message but the picture backing it up was unneeded and pretty confusing as it shows a women getting a hook through her top lip. Although this could have been a metaphor of she is hooked to smoking it was still un needed and caused upsets by whomever saw it.

For my idea I think I should really think about what kind of legal and ethical reasons I will need to take into account. These images have given me ideas of what not to do when I do my broadcast/designs for adverts.

What am I going to do

What? - I'm going to do a blog post on Poster creation. I want to do this because it will be simpler for anyone viewing to look through and understand. I'll be doing a step by step guide on how Posters are created and how digital art fits into it.

How? - I will be doing a step by step guide on how Digital Art fits into the Poster's by using Powerpoint. I will also be adding in facts about Digital Art and Radio and how they work together and how it all works in the industry.

Why? - I want to show how Digital Art and Poster creation work together and I want to help people understand how it fits in together and encourage people to go into the Poster Industry.

Digital Publishing

Digital publishing, is also rightly known as electronic publishing or e-publishing, is any type of publishing that involves making information or entertainment by digital means. That's a pretty simple definition and it isn't necessarily limited to the Internet.

The electronic publishing process is sort of like the traditional publishing process but is different from this way of publishing in two ways: The first way is it does not include a printing press to print the final product and secondly it tries to avoid the distribution of the physical product. Just because the content is electronic, it may be distributed over the internet and through E-Book shops. The consumer may read the published content on a website, in an application on a device, or in a PDF on a computer.

Due to electronic publishing often requiring HTML or a code to make the app work,, the average jobs of people involved in publishing and printing, like typesetters and book designers have changed. Designers must know more about mark-up languages, the different varieties of reading devices available, and the ways in which the readers read the product.

In the near future, new design software will become available for designers to publish content in this standard without having to have knowledge about programming or coding, such as Adobe Systems' Digital Publishing Suite and Apple's iBooks Author.

The most commonly found file format for digital publishing is .epub, being used in many e-book formats, .epub is a free and open standard available in many publishing programs. A second common format is .folio, which is used by the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite to create content for Apple's iPad tablets and apps.

Copyright laws are currently in full force for printed books. Electronic publishing brings up a new variety of different questions in relation to copyright. E-publishing often includes more than one author, and more access, since it is published online. This opens up more opportunities for plagiarism or theft.

Some publishers are trying to change this. For example, HarperCollins has limited the number of uses that one of its e-books can be given in a public library. Others, one known as Penguin, are attempting to incorporate the different elements of the e-book into their publications instead.

Credit goes to - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_publishing

Logistics and Resources

Logistics is the management of the flow of things between where ideas start and when the finished product reaches the consumer or audience - in other words, how to organise all stages of planning and development of a product.

This involves careful planning and time management, especially when a product has to be made by different groups of people - such as a film for instance where people's time has to be booked in advance.

It also means organising budgets, available resources, and above all effective communication between everyone involved, so all parties know what it is that they need to produce and within what deadlines.

I am firstly going to think about my target audience and think about how i will talk about my product to them. I will then write a script so when I do come to do my radio broadcast I wont stutter or need to think about what to do or how to say it. After I have done these steps i will then think about how i will present my product to the target audience as it would be best fitted, my target audience is 16 - 21 year old's so it will be mature a long with a little sarcasm here and there to keep them. I will also strongly think about how I will communicate with the audience.

I will also try my best to relate strongly to the situation, involving my own thoughts and opinions throughout it to bring out the maximum potential out of my pitch, not only will I be doing this, I will also be carefully structuring everything I say so it can make as much sense as I possibly can.